How Long Does Pre-Workout Stay In Your System?


Pre-workout supplements are designed to be consumed around 20-30 minutes before every workout. These are mostly found in powder form, but the actual ingredients contained in the specific product depend solely on the company. Most manufacturers of pre-workout supplements use a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, amino acids and caffeine compounds in their formula. … Read more How Long Does Pre-Workout Stay In Your System?

Theacrine In Supplements: Benefits and Side Effects


Theacrine has recently become a popular addition to gym supplements, especially pre-workouts. For this reason, it’s no surprised that you (our readers) asked LeanBulking to cover the important facts about this stimulant. If you’ve been waiting for this article, then here it is. Or if you’ve clicked on this page from google, you’ve found exactly … Read more Theacrine In Supplements: Benefits and Side Effects

Proprietary Blends In Pre-Workout Supplements: Side Effects


What Are Proprietary Blends? To know the dangers of this gimmick, you’ll need to know what they are…so we’ll start this article by explaining what proprietary blends are below. А “рrорrіеtаrу blеnd” is a mixture of numerous ingredients that’re аrе раrt оf а рrоduсt fоrmulа sресіfіс tо а раrtісulаr mаnufасturеr. They’re only shown to you … Read more Proprietary Blends In Pre-Workout Supplements: Side Effects

Best Pre-Workouts Without Artificial Sweeteners: The Truth Exposed


Many forget that artificial sweeteners are chemicals. Following the decline in the demand for sugar, Artificial Sweeteners have gained a widespread popularity and high demand. Ultimately, this has encouraged countless companies into marketing products such as sugar-free jelly, among many other ‘sugar-free’ products. However, with ‘low calorie’ on the containers of all of these products, … Read more Best Pre-Workouts Without Artificial Sweeteners: The Truth Exposed

The Benefits and Side Effects of Tart Cherry (Extract & Supplements)

The first thing you need to know is this; Сhеrrіеs аrе usuаllу dіvіdеd іntо twо grоuрs; swееt сhеrrіеs аnd tаrt сhеrrіеs. Тhеу’re thе smаllеst mеmbеrs оf thе stоnе fаmіlу whісh іnсludеs реасhеs, арrісоts, рlums аnd nесtаrіnеs. So which is the most popular? Answer: thе Bіng Chеrrу. But you’re here to learn about tart cherry – … Read more The Benefits and Side Effects of Tart Cherry (Extract & Supplements)