- Ashwagandha’s shown to improve strength
- Contains Zinc which promotes raised testosterone production
- Zinc dosage too high (over 40mg Zinc per day can cause side effects, and Best Test contains 30mg)
- All ingredients inside proprietary blend
- Missing key testosterone booster ingredients
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About The Product
Best Test is a testosterone booster by BPI Sports. It costs $39.99 for 30 servings, with a serving size of 2 capsules per day.
We prefer serving sizes of 3-4 capsules per day, so your body is always topped up with key nutrients needed to raise testosterone levels.
Who are BPI Sports?
BPI Sports are a supplements company that’s based in the USA. However, there wasn’t much more information available about them on their website.
Let’s hope that Best Test is better than their ‘About Us’ section.
Best Test Ingredients Explained
Best Test contains 8 main ingredients, but we don’t like the look of it’s ingredient list – basically, all of this testosterone booster’s ingredients are part of a proprietary blend.
What’s a proprietary blend?
Proprietary blends are mixtures of numerous ingredients that are shown to you under 1 overall quantity. In this case, the blend is called ‘Best Test Blend’ and the overall quantity is 1.5g (1,500mg).
We don’t like these blends, as they allow companies to hide the exact dosages of each ingredient (meaning the ingredients are likely to be under-dosed to cut costs while making it look better than it is).
Anyway, we’ll take you through each ingredient – to show you whether Best Test by BPI Sports is worth trying.
Here’s Everything You Need To Know:
Pedalium Murex
This is believed to enhance testosterone levels and libido in dosages of 200mg. But only 1 study has shown Pedalium Murex to be effective in actually raising T levels – making it a very unreliable ingredient that might not work.
Not only that, as it’s in Best Test’s proprietary blend, it might be filling it – which would make the whole product mostly ineffective.
The point is, no-one knows the exact dosage of any ingredient inside this blend (which also increases your risk of suffering from side effects too).
Akarkara Root
Also known as Anacyclus Pyrethrum, this herb is believed to be an aphrodisiac (boost libido) in traditional Indian medicine. Early studies suggest that it might actually work, but these have only been conducted on rats – basically, there’s been no human studies which makes Akaraka Root very unreliable.
Not only that, it’s optimal dosage is believed to be 1,600mg for a 150lb person – as the ‘Best TEst Blend’ is only 1.5g (1,500mg), it’s not possible for there to be an optimal dosage. This should also show you how little of each ingredient Best Test contains.
Ashwangandha is a very beneficial ingredient, and is the best ingredient inside Best Test. Simply put, it’s shown to boost your strength levels and shown to slightly raise testosterone levels.
However, you need a dosage of 6,00mg Ashwagandha daily for it to work – as Best Test only contains 1,500mg of overall ingredients, it’s not possible for there to be an optimal dosage of Ashwagandha here.
This is found in various fruits and has anti-oxidant properties. However there’s not been enough human studies conducted on Quercetin to prove that it’s 100% safe.
Not only that, for the same reason, no-one knows what dosage of this ingredient is safe to consume – we recommend avoiding Quercetin it’s proven to be safe and effective.
Nictinamide Riboside
This is a form of vitamin b3 that’s recently been discovered (as of 2017). It’s believed to help reduce fatigue and increase strength – but there haven’t been enough studies to prove that it’s safe and effective.
Another ingredient we’re avoiding until there’s further research that proves it works. We’ll keep updating this post if there is more evidence found.
Ginger Root
Ginger is well-known to improve general health, as it’s been used in traditional medicine for decades. However, it’s only shown to be potentially beneficial to your testosterone levels in HUGE dosages of 10-15 (10,000mg-15,000mg) daily.
As Best Test only contains 1,500mg of overall ingredients, it’s not possible for there to be an optimal dosage in here.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed Extract is believed to improve blood flow and promote general health. However, no studies have proven this ingredient to boost testosterone levels – making in ineffective in a testosterone booster.
This is a naturally occuring chemical that gives fruits and vegetables a red color. However, no studies prove that it’s able to raise your testosterone levels – meaning it’s useless in Best Test.
See Your Best Options In Our
– Top 3 Test Boosters Page –
Side Effects
No-one can say for certain whether Best Test will cause any side effects, as it contains ingredients that haven’t been researched much. Personally, we wouldn’t consume any ingredients we don’t know are 100% safe and effective.
Not only that, as all the ingredients are part of 1 proprietary blend, your chances of experiencing side effects are increased (as no-one knows the dosage of each ingredient inside).
Best Test Review Conclusion
The only ingredient we know definitely works in Best Test is Ashwagandha. However, BPI Sports have still managed to make a mistake here by under-dosing Ashwagandha (making it ineffective).
What concerns us the most is this: most ingredients in Best Test haven’t been researched much, so no-one knows whether they’re safe or effective (i’m writing this in 2017).
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